I’m all ears… Children and Ear Infections
5 out of 6 children will have at least one ear infection by their 3rd birthday. Ear infections are the most common reason parents take their children to the GP. Constant ear infections are a reality for most parents. Winter, summer or all year-round. They come with...
Love the Sound of Your Own Voice?
If your eyesight was taken away, how would you identify people? Listen for their voice! We recognise people by hearing their voice. Every human has a different voice and whether we know it or not- the voice is major marker of identity for everyone. We gain insight,...
HAPPY SPEECH PATHOLOGY WEEK! 7-13TH AUGUST 2016 This is the one week in the year that we get to toot our own horns! We love being speech pathologists and we love to celebrate our roles every year. We think being a speech pathologist is one of the best jobs someone...
Learning To Be Social
Johnny doesn’t want to share, Jessica doesn’t cope with losing, Jack won’t say hello to people, Sarah likes to boss other kids around, Hunter has started being cheeky and saying no…. The list can go on and on. Every parent can relate to these issues, and what do these...
My Child’s Starting High School Next Year!
HIGH SCHOOL READINESS Moving from year 6 to year 7 is a big step for soon-to-be-teenagers. They move from being a big fish in a little pond, to being a little fish in a big pond. There are many basic skills that they need to have under their belt, as well as academic...